Our next generation of continuing education courses has arrived. This 15-minute course uses 3D animations to simulate the design and erection of the three long-span composite floor systems ideal for multi-story building design and construction. The animations provide a stunning visual comparison of the systems’ span and depth capabilities.
Offering .25 AIA LU/HSW credit, the continuing education course quickly summarizes the characteristics of composite joist, dovetail composite and deep-ribbed composite floor systems and outlines how to optimize their advantages. You’ll learn about their unique capabilities and benefits, among them reduced costs and timelines and increased project performance.
Alex Therien, AIA, LEED, AP and a market development manager at New Millennium Building Systems, is the course instructor. He presents an overview of the three systems, discusses each system’s benefits and tells you how to select the right one for your multi-story project. Among the topics discussed: mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) integration, acoustic control (IIC, STC), fire ratings, shoring requirements and suitable load-bearing wall systems.
Continuing education is an important part of our mission, and we are continually sharing our steel building systems knowledge with our peers, colleagues and the industry in general. This new course represents an evolution of our educational efforts, reflecting industry trends and needs as well as the emerging acceptance and capabilities of virtual, video-based education.
“School’s IN for summer!” With a new spin on the Alice Cooper classic, New Millennium dedicates the month of June to continuing education. In addition to introducing our new course, we have new case studies and blog posts that feature real projects offering learning opportunities.
Keep an eye on our Facebook and LinkedIn channels for even more—and please join us. We’d love to see you or your organization learning about our steel building systems; snap a photo and share it with us on social media using the hashtag #EducationMonth.
New Millennium has a diverse library of continuing education courses and experienced specialists to help you learn the latest about steel building systems and advance your career. These courses are based on real-world situations and will help you lower the cost of building design and construction and expedite project timelines. Each course offers 1.0 AIA LU/HSW or 1.0 PDH credit.
In addition to online courses, New Millennium offers live video and in-person courses. Requests for these customized services are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. During these unique sessions, our education specialists present the courses, then answer your questions. Contact one of our education course specialists to discuss hosting a live event online or an in-person course for your professional group.
Building a better steel experience